This story about a Kenedy man being attacked by multiple ocelots (a.k.a. leopard cats) sounds like a hyperbolic hunting story at first.
Posts tagged as “hunting”
Because of an article by Steve Sinclair entitled "The last jaguar" in the Brownsville Herald in 2008, the 1946 Rio Grande Valley jaguar is the Texas jaguar most people are familiar with.
The pronghorn hunt was ended in 1903 to help rebuild the population, and it didn't resume until 1944.
Uvalde and Kinney Counties are interesting habitats to consider for ocelots. They sit at the intersection of the hilly Edwards Plateau and the brushy South Texas Plains, creating an edge effect that promote an abundance of wildlife.
The Goldthwaite jaguar is one of the most northerly and well known jaguars in Texas history.
I don't have much insight to add to this collection of images. I find them sad, but I think it's important to preserve them here nonetheless.
An unflattering tale about Joseph Magoffin, the fourth mayor of El Paso, and his encounter with two jaguars on the Nueces River.
This account of the mass slaughter of plains bison herds near the Republican River in Kansas was reprinted in the Austin American Statesman from the Denver Post in 1874.