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Bull Creek Bears – 1890

Bull Creek in West Austin is a popular destination for both hikers and swimmers. The dramatic rock formations and swimming holes along the creek make for an idyllic spot to spend the afternoon. It has apparently been that way since the late 1800s. S.B. Hill photographed picnickers there in the 1880s as part of his amazing series of landscape photos, “Views of Texas.”

Bull Creek from Views of Texas by S. B. Hill. Austin, Texas – DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University 

In 1890, the creek was much further west of the city limits and required taking a ferry up the Colorado river. It was also much wilder. See the report from the Austin American Statesman of two bears near the Creek in 1890.

Austin American-Statesman · August 19, 1890, p. 3

Black bears were a common sight in the Texas hill country before 1900, but they were wiped out by over hunting. You can read another report of bears in Austin here.

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